Cause and effect

Corruption in Indonesia is growing systematically. For many people, corruption is no longer as a violation of law, but it is just a custom. In Indonesia, corruption happens as if it is a normal thing to do, especially among officials. Officials seem to have no shame to do disservice to this country. This creates a question, what the causes of corruption in Indonesia are. At least there are eight causes of corruption that happens in Indonesia.

First, state administration system is erroneously. As new developed country, the development priorities must be in education. But for decades, started from old order era, the new order era, until reformation era, the development only focused on the economic field. Whereas, every country that is newly independent, is still limited in having human resources, money, management, and technology. So, as a consequence, all of those things are imported from abroad which in turn it produces the cause of corruption.

Second, civil servants’ compensation is low. Newly independent countries do not have enough money to pay higher compensation to employees. Moreover Indonesia, which prioritizes economic and cultural field, makes a pattern of consumerism culturally and physically, so that 90 percent of civil servants do corruption.

-the coruptor take the money of people
-the corruptor show how week the law in indonesia
-the corruptor make they rich and make the ordinary people poor
-They are lot of negative side of corruption to the country, people and environment.
--One of it is breaking and decreasing Indonesian economy, education, and our future.


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